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visitor management software
Visitor Management Software is a web-based software that allows maintaining the record of the visitors. Being Web Based on Software, it can be browsed from any part of the world with any internet-enabled device depending upon server availability.Moreover, Visitor Management System from Star Link is designed to give a planned structure to the visitor-employee meeting. It also allows the admin to track the record of the visitors like other details of the belongings he is carrying, and the timing of his visiting and going. Moreover, if he is scheduled to come next, his every detail will reflect in the system with his name.The set-up or company where the frequency of visitors is very high, and Visitor Management is pretty useful software. This kind of Biometric Attendance System helps you to maintain the track record of every visitor with each and every detail of his photograph.As in the process of initiation of meeting with the employee and visitor, his photograph is clicked to generate a gate pass. Furthermore, keeping every security reason in mind, a different layer of authentication is made to keep everything secure.Firstly, in Visitor Management Software, there are basically three types of Log-ins. One is EMPLOYEE, who can log in to generate the request for the visitor who is coming to meet him.The second is USER, and that is Security Guard at the gate. He allows the visitor to enter for the meeting, giving him a generated gate pass. And he is the only person who will sign out him after the meeting.The last log-in is ADMIN, which can create any new log-in and can view the status of the visitor. Admin can also give authority of gates/entries to security guards. Admin can view the status and report of visitors through his account and also can create new users.Visitor Management Software Features:-Totally Secure process for Visitor entryMultiple USER log-inVisitors can be Managed by multiple gate entryPhoto Gate pass is generated with each belonging detailsReport Generation like User, Gate, VisitorIn-Built Camera in softwareCan see all the records of visitors In/Out & Yet to comeAdmin can only add new employees who can send requests to gate entryEasy install & OperateVisitor Management System Requirement:-Hard disk – 80GBRAM – 4GBOperating System – Windows 7 & aboveProcessor – i3 & aboveSQL Server 2005 and aboveIIS6 & above .Net framework 4.0
Visitor Management Software

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Finger and Card Based SystemIndustrial DeviceLeave Management SoftwareSoftware SolutionFinger and card based deviceGym Management SoftwareTime Office SoftwareOvertime Management SoftwareFingerprint machineCanteen Management SoftwareVisitor Management SoftwareTea Garden SolutionFingerprint Based SystemFace Recognition device

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