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STARLINKINDIA7E26 64d223fec71c6a18e8b9bd09 Products
fingerprint machine
Bio-Link 09 is the best Attendance Machine. It is an exquisitely made versatile masterpiece and state-of-the-art from Star Link. The Bio-Link 09 – Time Attendance Machine is very effective in managing attendance in small & medium set-ups, where the users are up to 100. This device comes with unmatchable features that make it perfect in the field of access control and attendance management system.A voice-guided message confirms the acceptance and rejection of the punching in the Time Attendance System. The Bio-Link features a recording capacity of 2 lacs records. It has multiple communication modes that allow the user to get the data easily without any hassle.The Bio-Link can store 600 finger templates making it more useful for small & medium set-ups. It features a graphic LCD display that displays the message whereas the voice-guided message confirms the status of attendance. A Home Edition Software comes with the Bio-Link to maintain the attendance records.
Bio-Link 09

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Finger and Card Based SystemIndustrial DeviceLeave Management SoftwareSoftware SolutionFinger and card based deviceGym Management SoftwareTime Office SoftwareOvertime Management SoftwareFingerprint machineCanteen Management SoftwareVisitor Management SoftwareTea Garden SolutionFingerprint Based SystemFace Recognition device

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