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time office software
Web based Time Office software holds the key to versatility as a web-based version is easily accessible from any computer system with a static URL and active internet connection. Privacy and security remain completely protected with IDs and passwords.Window based Time Office Software can only be installed in computer systems and cannot be accessed through any online portal which assures that all the data remains saved in one’s personal desktop and cannot be breached by anyone else.Time Office is a complimentary Software which comes by default with every Biometric Attendance System of Star Link. This software helps in generating reports of employee’s punch in and out data on daily, weekly and monthly basis.With no requirement for external paperwork, different hardware, and software for data transfer and fetching, Time Office Software is an absolute time savior which makes data transfer and processing an effortless task with a single click.
Time office Software

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Finger and Card Based SystemIndustrial DeviceLeave Management SoftwareSoftware SolutionFinger and card based deviceGym Management SoftwareTime Office SoftwareOvertime Management SoftwareFingerprint machineCanteen Management SoftwareVisitor Management SoftwareTea Garden SolutionFingerprint Based SystemFace Recognition device

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