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tea garden solution
At Tea Gardens, there is major issues and loopholes in the complete system which is incurring a huge loss to the owners. To serve this purpose and remove every loophole with a single solution, Star Link has designed and developed a solution namely Tea Garden Solution.Tea Garden Solution is a combination of hardware and software which takes care of various activities in the tea garden.For Attendance purpose:– Since there are a huge number of workers employed in tea gardens, we have segregated the workers into different categories like permanent, contractual, and emergency. In the Biometric Attendance Machine, we have also created work-heads for various types of activities like tea plucking, water sprinklers, and labor.Depending on the locations, we have also provided location cards. This has solved the issue, as for every worker, their fingerprint is registered and they mark their attendance based on the above parameters i.e work-heads, locations, & category.For Tea Leaves Weighment:– We have designed our solution in such a way that all the manual interpretation of the operation cycle is removed. To make tea leaf measurement process automated, we have integrated the weighing scale with the biometric device. Now every time any worker measures their tea leaves plucked in a day, their measurement record is automatically updated against their name in the software.For Payment Process:– In this solution, our inbuilt payroll software calculates the salary/wages based on the work heads. Some workers are daily wage workers and some are weekly. We have also managed the solution in such a way that wages can be calculated on the basis of tea leaves measurement at the end of the day.Lastly, multiple reports are generated for each activity and discrepancy reports are also generated like who forgot to punch, who forgot to measure tea leaves, etc. Moreover, you can generate reports daily, weekly, work-heads wise, location wise, and tea weight wise. Implementation of this solution can certainly help to remove the loopholes in the existing system and helps you to manage everything with a single click of a mouse.Features :--- Multiple report generation – Location wise/work head wise/category wise-- Wage/Payment process in a single click-- Digital weighing reduces the manual interference-- Easy attendance recording procedure-- Data can be maintained on the device & software for more than 1 year-- Multiple discrepancy reports are also generated-- Reports are generated in .xls file-- With a single button press – reports are generated for plucking and non-plucking staffs.-- Tea Garden mapping is also done-- Works fully as per the Govt NormsSystem Requirement:-- Processor – P4 & Above-- RAM – 2GB min-- Hard disk – 20GB -- Operating System – Window Xp and Above-- SQL Server 2005 and Above
Tea Garden Solution

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Finger and Card Based SystemIndustrial DeviceLeave Management SoftwareSoftware SolutionFinger and card based deviceGym Management SoftwareTime Office SoftwareOvertime Management SoftwareFingerprint machineCanteen Management SoftwareVisitor Management SoftwareTea Garden SolutionFingerprint Based SystemFace Recognition device

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