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STARLINKINDIA7E26 64d223fec71c6a18e8b9bd09 Products
  • 2024-02-05T09:00:02

Attendance System and Access Control | Classic Model Step into a world of seamless security and unmatched efficiency with our Classic Model! Designed to redefine your attendance tracking and access control needs, it's more than just a device – it's a game-changer. With a record capacity of 62, 500 and up to 9, 560 finger templates (extendable to 25, 000), it's the ultimate solution for precision attendance management. Boasting a sleek 16x2 display, effortlessly monitor employee details during punching. Plus, its multiple operational modes and built-in TCP/IP connectivity ensure hassle-free data management. Versatility meets customization with our Classic Model. From various communication modes to tailored options, it adapts to your unique requirements effortlessly. Why settle for ordinary when you can experience extraordinary? Choose STAR LINK for the latest tech, superior quality, and unparalleled service. Elevate your security game today

Attendance System and Access Control | Classic Model Step into a world of seamless security and unmatched efficiency with our Classic Model! Designed to redefine your attendance tracking and access control needs, it's more than just a device – it's a game-changer. With a record capacity of 62, 500 and up to 9, 560 finger templates (extendable to 25, 000), it's the ultimate solution for precision attendance management. Boasting a sleek 16x2 display, effortlessly monitor employee details during punching. Plus, its multiple operational modes and built-in TCP/IP connectivity ensure hassle-free data management. Versatility meets customization with our Classic Model. From various communication modes to tailored options, it adapts to your unique requirements effortlessly. Why settle for ordinary when you can experience extraordinary? Choose STAR LINK for the latest tech, superior quality, and unparalleled service. Elevate your security game today

  • 2024-02-05T09:00:02

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