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STARLINKINDIA7E26 64d223fec71c6a18e8b9bd09 Products
  • 2024-01-16T11:41:14

8 Door Controller: Unleashing Advanced Access Control In the realm of card-based access control systems, the 8 Door Controller stands out as a sophisticated model designed to manage multiple entry points with precision. Key features include: Processor: Equipped with a 32-bit RISC micro-controller, the 8 Door Controller ensures efficient and rapid processing of access control data. Storage: With 2MB Flash memory, the controller boasts a substantial data storage capacity of 62, 500 records, facilitating extensive record-keeping. Door Management: Capable of handling eight doors concurrently, the controller provides a centralized system for seamless access control across various entry points. User Capacity: Accommodating a user base ranging from 15, 000 to 50, 000, the controller offers scalability to meet the demands of diverse organizational sizes. Specialized Features: Time-based Access Control: Enables the implementation of access restrictions based on specified time parameters. Anti Pass Back (APB): Critical zones are safeguarded by the implementation of Anti Pass Back measures. Sleek Readers: Each door is equipped with sleek readers, contributing to a modern and unobtrusive design. EM Lock Integration: Integration capabilities with Electromagnetic (EM) locks enhance overall security measures. Physical Dimensions: Compact in size, the controller measures 21cm x 14cm x 5cm, ensuring a space-efficient installation. Buzzer System: Incorporating a piezoelectric buzzer, the controller provides clear audible signals for acceptance or rejection, enhancing user feedback. Lock to Controller Distance: Flexible in its deployment, the controller supports a lock-to-controller distance of 60 meters or varies according to the wire gauge utilized. Time Zones: Multiple time zones can be configured, allowing for intricate access restrictions based on specific time parameters. Card Compatibility: Supporting EM/Smart Cards, the controller includes a Slave Reader for both entry and exit points, ensuring comprehensive access management. The 8 Door Controller is a robust solution, combining advanced features with a user-friendly design, making it a cornerstone in efficient and secure access control systems.

8 Door Controller: Unleashing Advanced Access Control In the realm of card-based access control systems, the 8 Door Controller stands out as a sophisticated model designed to manage multiple entry points with precision. Key features include: Processor: Equipped with a 32-bit RISC micro-controller, the 8 Door Controller ensures efficient and rapid processing of access control data. Storage: With 2MB Flash memory, the controller boasts a substantial data storage capacity of 62, 500 records, facilitating extensive record-keeping. Door Management: Capable of handling eight doors concurrently, the controller provides a centralized system for seamless access control across various entry points. User Capacity: Accommodating a user base ranging from 15, 000 to 50, 000, the controller offers scalability to meet the demands of diverse organizational sizes. Specialized Features: Time-based Access Control: Enables the implementation of access restrictions based on specified time parameters. Anti Pass Back (APB): Critical zones are safeguarded by the implementation of Anti Pass Back measures. Sleek Readers: Each door is equipped with sleek readers, contributing to a modern and unobtrusive design. EM Lock Integration: Integration capabilities with Electromagnetic (EM) locks enhance overall security measures. Physical Dimensions: Compact in size, the controller measures 21cm x 14cm x 5cm, ensuring a space-efficient installation. Buzzer System: Incorporating a piezoelectric buzzer, the controller provides clear audible signals for acceptance or rejection, enhancing user feedback. Lock to Controller Distance: Flexible in its deployment, the controller supports a lock-to-controller distance of 60 meters or varies according to the wire gauge utilized. Time Zones: Multiple time zones can be configured, allowing for intricate access restrictions based on specific time parameters. Card Compatibility: Supporting EM/Smart Cards, the controller includes a Slave Reader for both entry and exit points, ensuring comprehensive access management. The 8 Door Controller is a robust solution, combining advanced features with a user-friendly design, making it a cornerstone in efficient and secure access control systems.

  • 2024-01-16T11:41:14

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